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The controversy of germ vs. terrain theory is over a century old yet remains a subject of great debate.  My learning from the information listed below and many others have led me to believe that the terrain theory is a much better explanation of how our bodies function than the germ theory.  The germ theory is most likely what you have been told all our life.  Read about the terrain theory and make up your own mind.

The Contagion Fairy Tale by Thomas Cowan, MD and Sally Fallon Morell addresses challenges to the information in their book The Contagion Myth. The post includes a thorough discussion of the claim that the corona “virus,” or any virus, has been isolated and proved to cause a disease. At the end of the article there is a list of retailers selling their book.

Dr. Thomas Cowan Interview – From Germ Theory to Covid-19 – The Social Critic, an excellent interview with Dr. Cowan explaining germ theory. It has basic information that is a good place to start if you are unfamiliar with the theory.

Dr. Ben Edwards on Coronavirus and Terrain Theory. Dr. Edwards is a Texas GP who teaches how to be healthy at Veritas Wellness.

Dr. Barre Lando on Waves and Pleiomorphism, Dr. Andrew Kaufman interviews Dr. Barre Lando. The interview includes an interesting and informative discussion of terrain theory. Pleiomorphism is defined as existence of an organism in two or more distinct forms during the life cycle; polymorphism.

Is Germ Theory All It’s Cracked Up to Be? by Leslie Manookian

The Infectious Myth – Thomas Cowan on COVID-19 and Germ Theory, a podcast with Dr. Cowan

The Fallacies of Germ Theory with Dr. Thomas Cowan, short, clear explanation of the difference between the germ theory and the terrain theory

Understanding Our Current Health Crisis by Dr. Thomas Cowan. Dr. Cowan answers this question: “The first question to ask when the medical community or the human race—or both—are confronted with a new set of symptoms is, “How do we know that this new set of symptoms is from an infectious disease?” That is a fundamental question and what I refer to as the first layer.”

The Truth About the Germ Theory by GreenMedInfo

You Cannot Catch Bugs, Germs, Bacteria or Candida/Fungi by Bee Wilder, an analysis of the germ theory of disease as promoted by the medical industry today

COVID19 PCR Tests are Scientifically Meaningless by Torsten Engelbrecht and Konstantin Demeter, Though the whole world relies on RT-PCR to “diagnose” Sars-Cov-2 infection, the science is clear: they are not fit for purpose

The Germ Theory: A Deadly Fallacy by Dawn Lester and David Parker. “It is a fundamental principle that the burden of proof lies with those who propose a theory. Yet in the case of the ‘germ theory’ that ‘proof’ does not exist; there is no original scientific evidence that definitively proves that any ‘germ’ causes any specific infectious disease. Although this statement will be regarded as highly controversial and even outrageous, its veracity can be demonstrated.”

Béchamp vs. Pasteur